Becoming a Member

Becoming a member is easy and free. Simply register an account and begin browsing for Islamic worldview educational resources.

Searching for Resources

Halal.Education’s search bar is a user-friendly process that allows users to find relevant resources by searching with keywords, subjects, and grade levels. Optional filters help sort resources by specific relevance, rating, and price.

Purchasing Resources

Members can add resources to their cart and make their purchases through Halal.Education’s secure payment gateway using credit cards and PayPal. 

Members have easy access to past purchases through their account, making it easy to find and download previously purchased resources.

Downloading Resources

Downloading resources on Halal.Education is quick and intuitive. Members can find their purchased resources in their ‘Account’ to download at their convenience.

Giving Feedback on Resources

Members can rate and review resources after purchase to help other educators make informed decisions and to give author’s feedback. The rating system is based on a five star scale and comments.

How Does Halal.Education Work For Sellers?

If you a Muslim educator with a passion for creating high-quality teaching resources and with an Islamic worldview, you can share your expertise with an international audience and create a passive income by selling your digital products on Halal.Education. 

As a seller on Halal.Education, you can create and sell your own original resources, such as lesson plans, activities, posters, and worksheets, to a community of Muslim educators around the world.

Creating a Seller Account

Creating a seller account on Halal.Education is simple. First, sellers must provide basic personal information, including account information, and agree to Halal.Education’s terms of service. 

Once the account is created, sellers can start uploading their own original resources and instantly create their personalized ‘Author’s Shop’.

Uploading Resources

Sellers can upload their own original resources in various file formats, such as PDFs and PowerPoint Presentations. During the process, sellers need to include detailed descriptions, cataloging, upload previews to showcase their work, and set the price.

Halal.Education provides guidelines and best practices for creating effective resources, including tips for formatting, use of keywords, and presenting content. 

Once a resource is uploaded, it is immediately available to the Halal.Education community through search and on the seller’s ‘Author’s Page’.

Managing Sales and Revenue

Halal.Education provides an intuitive dashboard that allows sellers to monitor their sales, track the traffic and performance of individual resources, identify trends, and manage payouts.

Transaction Fees

Transaction fees on Halal.Education are based on a percentage of the sale price that Halal.Education charges sellers for each transaction and can vary depending on the price of the resource and the level of seller’s subscription. The transaction fee covers the cost of payment processing, hosting, and customer support, among other expenses.

Getting Paid From Halal.Education

Halal.Education handles the hassle of all payment processing and transaction fees in order to simplify the process of managing sales and revenue for sellers. Halal.Education pays out earnings directly to the seller’s bank account or PayPal account.

To receive payments, sellers must provide accurate and up-to-date payment information, such as bank account or PayPal account details. 

Halal.Education also provides detailed reports about earnings and payouts for analysis or tax information. Halal.Education does not collect taxes for your country.